M800 CAN receive from SDL3

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

M800 CAN receive from SDL3

Postby Mathieu Faveere on Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:56 pm


I am struggling to transmit data from a SDL3 dash to a M800 ecu over can bus. I was thinking to configure a can channel in M800 as E888 receive and set the SDL up with a expander output message with the same adress/ID but this doesn't seem to work.

Any help?

Mathieu Faveere
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat May 21, 2011 8:42 am

Re: M800 CAN receive from SDL3

Postby adrian on Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:41 am

In the SDL3 create a compound transmit template as per the attached image. Where I have ADL1, 2, 3 put your actual channels. Setup a CAN slot in the M800 as ADL Receive and set matching addresses in each (remembering the Dash is Hex and the ECU is Decimal).

For more than 3 channels just copy the setup for the first 3 but do it in the next compound ID down.
Mx00 Compound Message Receive.png
Mx00 Compound Message Receive.png (5.83 KiB) Viewed 7395 times
Dash to Mx00.png
Dash to Mx00.png (63.08 KiB) Viewed 7395 times
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Re: M800 CAN receive from SDL3

Postby Mathieu Faveere on Wed Dec 19, 2018 1:22 am

Thanks Adrian, it works.

Now I have an EGT to CAN module putting 4 EGT's on can and SDL3 transmitting them to M800.

I notice quite a delay though between changing the EGT inputs (simmulating with a Pcan module at 200HZ) and reading in M800 ecu manager. Both SDM3 and M800 are set up at 100 Hz. Is this some sort of build-in filter?

Best regards,

Mathieu Faveere
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat May 21, 2011 8:42 am

Re: M800 CAN receive from SDL3

Postby adrian on Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:35 pm

You can add a filter if you like, but by default it is turned off.

The delay that you are seeing is most likely in the manager software rather than the ECU.

I decided to do a small test:

I have an external CAN device to transmit a message, an CDL3 and an M800. The external device sends a single CAN message on address 0x700 with the value 1000. Both the ECU and Dash receive this message. The Dash then transmits the same value on address 0x701 at 100Hz, the ECU receives this. The ECU then transmits on address 0x5F0 (at 50Hz), the value directly from the external device in bytes 0,1 and the value from the Dash in bytes 2,3.

Below you can see the messages as they were seen by the external device. You can see that the first message from the dash after the 0x700 message has been sent hasn't been updated but the second one has. The first message from the ECU after the 0x700 message contains the data direct from the external device and the dash.

The delay from transmitting the 0x700 message to the first ECU message with the correct data is about 14ms. So I would consider that basically negligible, especially for a temperature measurement.
Message Timing M800 and Dash.png
Message Timing M800 and Dash.png (8.46 KiB) Viewed 7356 times
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