M150GPR Reluctor Sensor -ve Wiring

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M150GPR Reluctor Sensor -ve Wiring

Postby rayhall on Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:35 pm


I have four wheel speed sensors and a crankshaft sensor. All of them are reluctor.

The wheel speed +ve signals are connected Universal Digital 9,10,11 and 12. What do I connect the -ve wires too ?

The crankshaft sensor I have +ve connected to Universal Digital 1. What do I connect -ve too ?

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Re: M150GPR Reluctor Sensor -ve Wiring

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:16 pm

Hi Ray,

The -ve pins can be connected to any of the 0V supplies (pins A26, A27, A33, A34, D15 and D16). I try to wire like sensors to the same 0V supply where possible, so I would have all of the rotational sensors on the same supply, and the pressure sensors on a different on.

The Temp sensors need to be wired according to the Help for the AT inputs, where AT1 and AT1 are internally connected to the 5V+A supply, AT3 and AT4 are to the 5V+B and AT5 and AT6 are connected to 5V+C. The need to be wired to the matching 0V supply.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M150GPR Reluctor Sensor -ve Wiring

Postby rayhall on Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:13 pm


Thank you.

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Re: M150GPR Reluctor Sensor -ve Wiring

Postby MalcolmG on Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:56 am

SDean wrote: I try to wire like sensors to the same 0V supply where possible, so I would have all of the rotational sensors on the same supply, and the pressure sensors on a different on.

Stephen; just out of curiosity what's the rationale for this? My preference has been to group sensors by critical/non-critical so a fault on a non-critical sensor (hopefully) can't effect the supply for critical sensors, but I'm always interested to hear other ideas.
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Re: M150GPR Reluctor Sensor -ve Wiring

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:33 am

More of a personal preference to be honest, I find that it can make fault finding easier as I know that it is only one kind of sensor using the shared 5V/0V supplies.

As long as the correct Voltage References are applied (where relevant) then it doesn't make a difference to the operation of the ECU as to which are used, as long as the supply isn't overloaded.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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