M150 Audi V10 Knock Sensor Wiring

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M150 Audi V10 Knock Sensor Wiring

Postby rayhall on Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:29 pm


The Audi V10 engine fitted to the RS6 with the BUH engine has four knock sensors. I am using the Audi V10 sample package.

Knock inputs are assigned too..

Knock Cylinder 1 = D7 Knock Input 1
Knock Cylinder 4 = D13 Knock Input 2
Knock Cylinder 6 = A13 Knock Input 3
Knock Cylinder 9 = A14 Knock Input 4

That all makes sence to me.

My problem is the sensors are two wire. How do I connect the other wires. Connect to ECU ground wire going to A connector ?

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Re: M150 Audi V10 Knock Sensor Wiring

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:00 pm

Hi Ray,

The second wire for the knock sensors will go to a 0V supply pin. It is better to use a common pin for all of the sensors so that they have the same reference ground.

If you only used two of the sensors, then you could make them into Differential Knock sensors, in which case you would have Knock Input 1 and 2 going to one sensor, and Knock Input 3 and 4 to the other. This provides a stabilised knock signal as the voltage reported to the M1 becomes the difference between the two pins, rather than the pin and the 0V supply.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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