I am trying to get the idle control (V3 software) to work a bit better on my M400.
The problem I m having is it takes too long to catch it when the revs are dropping.
When I log the duty of the valve (3 wire) I can see that as the idle control kicks in below 1600 it starts to wind the valve closed - i.e. the opposite way I want it to do as it sees the engine at say 1500 rpm which is higher than the Aim RPM so by the time it reaches the target RPM the valve is in the wrong place then it has to open to get back to the right RPM.
What I really want it to do is not go in the opposite direction when it is on its way down to idle speed so it catches it quicker.
So for example if the normal position is 21, the valve is dropping to around 15/ 16 on its way down when idle control kicks in and then coming up to about 23 before finally settling down around 21 again. Increasing P and/ or D does not seem to help much.
Currently at:
P 0.1
I 0.05
D 0.1
I have tried dropping the activate RPM to 1300 to try and limit how far it goes in the wrong direction but this has not made much difference.
Is there a way of clamping the lower value so it does not drop below the normal position as the revs drop?