Normalised tracking sensor - scale validation limits

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Normalised tracking sensor - scale validation limits

Postby MalcolmG on Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:43 am

Is there any good reason why the "Normalised Tracking Sensor" module in Build has the validation limits for the Scale locked at +/-100%/V? It would be great to be able to change this (as you can the validation limits for diagnostic high/low and offset). I have a position sensor that changes by less than 1V over it's range so I permanently have an "Invalid Scale" fault.
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Re: Normalised tracking sensor - scale validation limits

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:26 am

Hi Malcolm,

What sort of sensor is it that you are using?

I have to say that I haven't come across a Throttle or Gear Position sensor that has as small a voltage change as the one that you are using, so they have always been within the validation range specified in Build.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Normalised tracking sensor - scale validation limits

Postby MalcolmG on Wed Mar 14, 2018 7:23 pm

It's just a contactless rotary pot being used to measure the travel of an actuator. It's a quite important actuator on the vehicle which is why we use a dual channel sensor, but the resolution requirements aren't all that onerous so the <1V range from 0-100% isn't a problem
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