First, you need to understand where to find information on the Dash Manager applications -- it's found in the help section for those products. Depending upon your Windows OS, you may need to install support for help from the Microsoft website -- but it's worth it as the help is really helpful.
Using ADL2 Dash Manager, use Help->Topics then Search for SLM. You will find 2 extremely useful topics:
Shift Light Module Setup and Shift Light Module Pattern Setup. These are also available by pressing the help button on the appropriate window (ie, Functions->Shift Light Module... and under the "Add..." and "Edit..." buttons within that window).
Here is what it says under Shift Light Module Setup:
Shift Light Module Setup
This screen allows the MoTeC Shift Light Module to be configured.
The Shift Light Module is configured by specifying patterns to apply when various conditions are true (and/or false).
The condition is normally simply a channel such as the Warning Light channel or a Shift Light channel.
Pattern Priority
The order of the patterns in the list specifies the priority of each pattern.
The pattern at the top of the list has the highest priority. The order may be changed using by clicking on the up and down arrow buttons.
A typical priority might be:
Shift Light 3
Shift Light 2
Shift Light 1
Wheel Lock
Left Indicator
Right Indicator
Warning Alarm
Notice that even though the Warning light might be the most important channel the Shift lights have been set with a higher priority. This is so that the Shift Lights still work even when an alarm is active.
Inactive Lights.
A pattern may contain lights that are not active. This allows lights in a lower priority pattern to still show.
For example Shift Light 3 may only activate the centre four lights allowing the other LEDS to remain controlled by shift lights 1 & 2 and therefore will be shown in the colour specified by Shift Lights 1 & 2
Pressing the Preview button allows simulation of the operation of the SLM so that the setup can be verified.
Communications Setup
When the Shift Light Module is configured (i.e. when there are items in the Patterns List) the communications will be automatically configured by adding a "Slave Device TX" to the first available CAN transmit section.
Brightness Control
The overall brightness can be controlled via a channel. The channel would typically be fed from a driver adjustable switch to allow for changes in ambient light conditions.
Note that the maximum brightness can be set for each pattern in the pattern setup, this allows different patterns to have different brightness.
Active Patterns Channel
The active pattern can be viewed or logged by feeding a channel. This is a bit representation of which patterns are active. The lower 8 bits are used to indicate which of the true patterns are active, the upper 8 bits indicate which of the false patterns are active.
Hope that helps!