M1 GRP Water Injection Feature

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

M1 GRP Water Injection Feature

Postby SteveC on Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:49 am

Just a quick one..

is it possible to get water/meth injection as a feature on the m1 to sit along side the water spray.

or does anyone have this working with all the values to make it work they can share ?

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Re: M1 GRP Water Injection Feature

Postby PEI330Ci on Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:25 pm

I have both pre turbo and manifold injection, and I have done this 3 different ways so far:

Option 1:) Use one or 2 of the Generic Auxiliary outputs

Option 2.) Re-write the Auxilary outputs to define features exactly as you want with a development license

Option 3.) Write a complete stand-alone strategy with a development license

You can control flow control valves from Aquamist directly from the ECU, but you'll need to use an SSR if you are pulsing the pressure pump. (Not ideal in my opinion)

Attached is an example of Option 3
Motec M1 Custom Water Meth Example.jpg
Motec M1 Custom Water Meth Example.jpg (1006.54 KiB) Viewed 6910 times
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Re: M1 GRP Water Injection Feature

Postby MalcolmG on Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:29 pm

I think that Water Injection Pre Turbo Injection Jets Jet 1 Jet 1 Flow Table is probably the longest name I've seen on any object in M1, and I really hope you've never had to type it all out to reference it from another group in Build :lol:
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Re: M1 GRP Water Injection Feature

Postby PEI330Ci on Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:44 am

MalcolmG wrote:I think that Water Injection Pre Turbo Injection Jets Jet 1 Jet 1 Flow Table is probably the longest name I've seen on any object in M1, and I really hope you've never had to type it all out to reference it from another group in Build :lol:

It is referenced, but it's a lot easier when you're using functions inside of that tree.
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