Terminating EGTs into E888 expander

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Terminating EGTs into E888 expander

Postby TUF-427 on Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:22 pm

Hey guys,

Installing the EGTs into the E888 and have a question regarding the termination of these.

The TCs supplied to me are the Motec 90deg drag kit and came pre terminated with male pins,

and came supplied with 2 x 8 way female deutsch connector shells.

Is it best to make a short daughter harness to adapt the 8way Deutsch to the AMP connector,

or Re-terminate the TCs directly into the AMP of the 888.

Regards Peter
Last edited by TUF-427 on Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terminating EGTs into M888 expander

Postby Stephen Dean on Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:58 pm

Hi Peter,

Do you mean an E888?, not an M888? If it is an E888, then you can directly wire the TC into the input pins on the E888, if the leads will reach. If you make a adapter loom, and the type of wire used changes from the recommended thermocouple wire, then you also need to install a cold junction thermistor at the point of the join. This will allow for the E888 to compensate for the change.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Terminating EGTs into M888 expander

Postby TUF-427 on Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:17 am

SDean wrote:Hi Peter,

Do you mean an E888?, not an M888? If it is an E888, then you can directly wire the TC into the input pins on the E888, if the leads will reach. If you make a adapter loom, and the type of wire used changes from the recommended thermocouple wire, then you also need to install a cold junction thermistor at the point of the join. This will allow for the E888 to compensate for the change.

Yeah sorry meant E888, too many part numbers ..... :roll:
Yes the TCs do reach the unit so will clip the Deutsch terminals off and fit off direct,
Thanks for the quick reply..

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