GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby kylebroslowski on Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:13 pm

Hi there,

I wanted to have laptiming GPS supported and triggered by a button on the handlebar of my bike.
The Motec support from UK told me that I have to use a STC Module to use the GPS unit. My first idea was to connect it directly to the ADL3, but the support says that this will not work, don't understand why, because there is a template in the ADL3 setup for it.

My main problem is that I don't receive data from the GPS --> STC --> M130 setup. I double checked the wiring, and everything looks good. The red LED in the GPS unit blinks red, but when I connect my laptop to the M130 there is no data.

Could it be that the STC is wrong configured? How can I check that the STC is working? Today I will check if the GPS is working by checking the output signal with my scope.

Any other idea?
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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby adrian on Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:07 am

What package are you using in your M1? This will determine exactly what you can and can't do.

Also what is the GPS Diagnostic value and what do you have the GPS Fault Delay set to?
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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby kylebroslowski on Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:35 pm

Hi Adrian,

attached is the package I'm using. Where do I have to Setup the GPS Diagnostic Value? In the M1 Tune?

Best regards,

Honda CBR1000 2012 Superbike [01.20.0005, January 2013] CBR1000RR SC59 , Mike Jahn_logging update.m1pkg-archive
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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby kylebroslowski on Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:42 pm

Fault Delay was set to 1000ms

Cheers , Mike
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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby kylebroslowski on Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:45 pm

Could it be that the Interface must be set to CAN Bus 1, instead of CAN Block Receive?
I'm using a STC, so for me it would make sense. I know see that the diagnostic value only can be seen when the ECU is connected so I have to wait after work to go to my workshop to see what is the value.


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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby AlanB on Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:37 pm

Hello Mike

If you are using an STC then you need to set the GPS Interface to 'CAN Bus 1 via STC' before the ECU will receive GPS data.

The package you are using does not support GPS lap timing as this is a fairly new feature, so you will need to use your ADL3 for the lap timing. This is quite straightforward, as the ADL3 can also receive the GPS data from the STC.

Contact MoTeC Europe support if you need help with the setup.
Alan Bell
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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby kylebroslowski on Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:16 pm

Hi Alan,

this is was I wanted to do! All the Laptimes should be done in the ADL3, and they told me to select "GPS Async" in the ADL3 setup for communications, and I looked at this, and these where compounds channels.
Is that correct, or do I have to Setup it maually?

Best regards,

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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby AlanB on Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:22 pm

Yes that is correct Mike, just select 'GPS Async' on the correct CAN bus.
Alan Bell
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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby kylebroslowski on Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:43 pm


does anyone know how to check data receiving rate of the STC Module?
I checked my GPS with the scope, and it sends out data with 38.4KBaud, and I'm not sure what Kind of STC I have.
The GPS diagnostic Shows "Timeout" in the M130.

Best regards,

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Re: GPS with Serial to CAN Module

Postby adrian on Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:51 am

Hi Mike,

There isn't any way to determine what receive rate the STC has. They are typically programmed for a particular purpose when the are purchased.

Have you tried using the GPS Aysnc template in the ADL3? I can help you test that, unfortunately because we (MoTeC Australia) didn't write that M1 Package it is hard for me to diagnose that issue.

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