motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

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motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby born riding on Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:05 am

just trying to see what experience others have had getting their looms modified. i sent mine and they kept it for over a year and did nothing to it. sent somewhere else took about 6 mo. where are you guys sending your looms for upgrades and how long does it take usually? also i can not get a response for a service inquiry. everyone raves about motec service, but i have not had that experience. is there a particular way i am supposed to communicate with them to get service info? hell i will be happy with anything but an automated response. thanks,
born riding
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby David Ferguson on Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:11 am

Who exactly are you talking to? You don't list your location in your profile, nor provide any real details.
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby born riding on Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:57 am

sorry, i am in USA, virginia to be exact. i am afraid to mention their names as i do not want to be labeled and possibly black listed from anyone helping me. maybe i should state here that i love motec and what they do. always wanted my own even before they were available for my application, jet ski. this is not intended to be a point a finger thread, but more of a what am i doing wrong thread. the one who took my money ( $12,000 total but only $5,000 related to motec wiring, codes and sensors), did no work (Rius and Paddock) and would not refund i am not sure if they are an official dealer but i know they have a close relation with motec and friends with one of the two best motec tech's. now i have been contacting motec directly with only automated responses. there are only two people my pro friends say are the best, one in USA and one in Australia. i have emailed both a few weeks ago, with no response so was just thinking i would check on the forum. i do not want to make anyone mad or hurt anyones reputation, just want to see what other people have experienced so i can decide if i want to try one last time or just add independent systems from here on. thanks guys
born riding
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:10 pm


Please contact me with further information regarding this issue, such as;

Who is doing the work
Work required
Time frames involved
Who you emailed and when

I would like to find out more about this to assist in resolving the issue.

If you want to PM me this information, you are welcome to do so.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby David Ferguson on Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:14 pm

Well, I am on the other side of the country in California. MoTeC East is close to you and do massive amounts of wiring -- if that is who you sent your harness to, I'm very surprised that it couldn't be turned around in a reasonable amount of time. Perhaps they didn't know exactly what was required, and were waiting for more information.

MoTeC East also runs the website:

Their phone number is 866-428-2270

Here is a list of MoTeC dealers close to you that should be able to help you: ... /#Virginia
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby born riding on Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:41 am

when contacting a new motec dealer for service do i need to have the pin location numbers for the sensors? for example i had some stock sensors removed and added others. the guy who did it originally for me can't tell me where new sensor was pinned to replace and old sensor. for example i had my oil pressure switch (AT4) and reverse sensor (AT6) removed and replaced with boost control and air temp, but i do not know which one is at AT4 and which is at AT6. all i know is what i had removed and what i had added, i do not know specific slot for each.
also if i can find a 3 wire temp sensor i may not need to send off, but can't seem to find one or an easy way to convert.....ideas? thanks
born riding
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby David Ferguson on Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:58 am

Idealy, the person supplying the harness would supply documentation showing the pinout, or perhaps the harness has a serial number and you can contact them to request the documentation.

If that isn't possible, the the usual course is to either look at the device configuration or simply reverse engineer the harness to discover what connector goes to what M800 channel -- this is a pretty common problem when taking over a project that someone else worked on.

So, when contacting a MoTeC dealer tell them what you have, who did the original work and offer to supply the device config and/or harness if they need it to verify the wiring.

Most temp sensors are two wires (variable resistance, either Negative Temperateure Coefficient, NTC or Positive Temperature Coefficient, PTC). If the wiring goes to a temperature input then only the signal and ground from the 3-pin connector will be used. if the input goes to an analog voltage input, then you typically need to add a precision pull-up resistor between the reference voltage and the signal wire. Again - a common problem that I would expect a dealer to be able to handle.
David Ferguson
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby born riding on Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:28 am

awesome! thank you. David you are a GURU! i feel much better about my situation. thanks
born riding
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:45 am

Hi All,

born riding has PM'ed me with the information regarding this issue, and I will be following it up with the aim for a satisfactory resolution for all involved.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: motec loom service time still 1.5 years?

Postby born riding on Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:56 am

i have to say as an active member of MANY forums, the staff and community here are among the best, most helpful,quick to respond and more thorough than any other forum! I still have a lot to learn about my motec system but i am much more confident with the support of an active community! thanks to members and staff alike:)
born riding
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