Predefined Calibration Data not available?

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Predefined Calibration Data not available?

Postby IamTheStig on Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:06 am

Hi folks,

I'm trying to compile my (slightly) modified version of a GPRP-Package (1.01.0005) and am missing all predefined calibration data. E.g. I used the calibration of my Bosch sensor which I am using as ambient temperature and pressure sensor. Now I am only able to select manual calibration.
The downloaded and compiled GPRP package seems to not have these default calibrations either. Is this the intended behavior or did I something wrong? Do I have to calibrate everything manually in my own packages?

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Re: Predefined Calibration Data not available?

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:17 am


This is usually caused by not having the matching system files in M1 Build and Tune, and not updating the Calibrations in M1 Tune. If you go to Help | Check for Updates... in M1 Tune, and select all of the boxes for updates, then this should resolve your issues.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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