You can download a C185 config file from
here that contains the Plex CAN template.
The reason for this is I had to rename a number of general purpose channels to match the names used in the Plex device. Unfortunately the name information isn't saved as part of the comms templates that you can export from the config which means they revert back to their default names when you load them into a new config.
To use the template in another config simply save it out of the above config and then manually rename the channels in your new config using the information from the original config.
I have listed some assumptions that I had to make as the information I had on the CAN structure wasn't complete.
The two byte messages are Big Endian/Motorola format
All channels are unsigned
No units were specified so have used RPM for Engine Speed and unitless for all other channels.
The transmit address isn't specified (I believe you can set this in the Plex software) so I have used 0x500 as the base address. If you use something else you will have to edit the template, put the new address on the parameters page and edit the compound IDs on the receive channel page.