M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

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M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

Postby uaeproz on Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:52 am

Hi Guys,

I'm hoping one of you or Motec support guys would provide some support and would be appreciated.

I just bought brand new M150 from the dealer and I'm lacking support with the startup ref/sync file. I just need a startup file, can somebody help... Please?

I'd appreciate any help here.


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Re: M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

Postby uaeproz on Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:50 pm

I'm lacking proper support from the local Motec dealer over here. Can anyone at Motec at least provide some support?? I made huge investment buying Motec products and at least I would expect as an after sale support is a startup file? This is what I bought from Motec so far:
Hayabusa Gen 1 motor
MoTeC M150 with GPRP license
Motec c127
MoTeC gear box control paddle shift auxiliary kit
MoTeC Oil & fuel pressure sensors
Several motec looms
Bosch fuel pump

I'd appreciate your help.


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Re: M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

Postby David Ferguson on Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:47 am

You should use M1 Tune (v1.4+), to do Online -> Capture Inputs…

I think the Ref/Sync is probably something like: (this is for a GSXR1000 / K8, which I believe is similar to a Busa Gen2).

Engine Speed Reference Mode : 2 - Crankshaft two missing 4 stroke
Engine Speed Reference Tooth Count : 24 — this is for a Gen2, and I believe the Gen1 had a different tooth count 30? — you can figure it out from the Capture Inputs…
Engine Speed Reference Offset: 442 deg (but you should also try 82 deg in case the cam timing was not set properly) - I have one file showing 102deg?
Engine Speed Pin Pullup Control: Off (Mag sensor)
Engine Speed Pin Active Edge: Falling Edge

Engine Synchronization Pin Pullup : On (Hall Sensor)
Engine Synchronization Pin Active Edge Rising Edge
Engine Synchronization Pin Threshold: 2.0V
Engine Synchronization Pin Hysteresis: 0.5V
Last edited by David Ferguson on Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
David Ferguson
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Re: M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

Postby AlanB on Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:16 am

The Gen 1 had a 24-1 crank trigger wheel, so 'Crankshaft 1 Missing Four Stroke' would be the correct mode.

Also, the M84 start file has a CRIP of 462, so for M1 this would equate to a Reference Offset of 102 degrees.

Otherwise, an input capture would be the next step to allow the ref and sync to be correctly configured.
Alan Bell
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Re: M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

Postby uaeproz on Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:39 am

Hi Guys,

Thank you so much for your valuable inputs. I'll try the suggested ref/sync config and I'll update you. Here's a bit of background of my project. It's a sandrail manufactured by Tom Pro Design here's a link to the manufacturer: tomprodesign.com to know more about my sandrail and here's a list of what I have on my sandrail:
Hayabusa Gen 1 motor
MoTeC M150
Motec c127
MoTeC gear box control paddle shift auxiliary kit
MoTeC Oil & fuel pressure sensors
Motec 15 bottuns keypad
Bosch fuel pump
Comp turbo
Water to air cooling
Carrillo H Beam Rods
Wossner turbo pistons 9:1
50mm Tial Blow Off Valve
HD valve springs
Upgraded gears,Back cut transmission, heat treat,30mm counter shaft
Lock-up clutch
Fuel Pressure Regulator
Billet Aluminum Airbox/Intercooler and Secondary Injectors - Siemens Deka 4 (Deka IV)
ID725 primary injectors
Electric Waterpump + custom heat exchanger
Oil Blockoff
Crancase Vent Filter
Spacer Plate
Adjustable cam sprockets
ARP cylinder studs

Once again thanks for the responses,

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Re: M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

Postby uaeproz on Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:03 am

My M150 is with GPR-P package for the paddle shift function
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Re: M150 Ref/Sync for Hayabusa Gen1

Postby uaeproz on Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:45 am

Here's an update,

We've tested the setup that was recommended but, it doesn’t lock. We changed the setup and it locks but still not starting up.

I have attached the files. I’d be grateful for your help.


M150 GPRP.zip
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