workspace crashing

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workspace crashing

Postby gary@apt on Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:00 am

ive had it couple times now when opening i2 after some kind of windows update i cant open my normal work space, clicking it and it wont work, like it corrupt?

any one else had this?
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Re: workspace crashing

Postby Kevin on Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:53 am

I have had this happen to me but it was not because of an update. It has happened to me if I had the workbook open and computer lost power. Forgot to plug in laptop and was looking at data one night and the battery was dead in the morning. That morning the workbook would not open because it was corrupted.

That has happened to me twice now. I just make sure I close i2 now before I leave it now. Also back it up a lot more now.
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Re: workspace crashing

Postby adrian on Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:49 am

We are aware of this happening when i2 is open and the PC/Laptop loses power or is put to sleep shortly after the workspace is saved (either manually or automatically).

The reason this happens is because of windows write caching. Essentially what is happening is when the workspace is saved it is written to cache not the actual hard disk. If the power is lost or the computer is put to sleep in the time period between the file being saved to cache and it actually being written to the disk the workspace becomes corrupt.

You can turn off autosave/save on exit (Tools>Options - General Tab - Untick Save on exit) to help prevent this occurring. You will still have to make sure that when you manually save the workspace you don't put the device to sleep or completely remove the power within about 20-30 seconds of saving as you will get the same thing happening.

We have a new version of i2 going through Alpha testing at the moment that fixes this issue.
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Re: workspace crashing

Postby gary@apt on Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:11 pm

ok look forward to new version , i think because of amount updates windows 10 has done recently my laptop is installing updates when i2 still open.

can the corrupt versions be fixed?
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Re: workspace crashing

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:46 am

With I2 v1.0, the workaround for corrupt projects was to copy the "project.mtcprj" file from another project. I used to keep a good one in the same folder named "good-project.mtcprj" just for that purpose.

I wouldn't be surprised if the "Workspace.i2wsp" file might be the equivalent with I2 v1.1 -- worth a try...

Look in Documents\Motec\I2\Workspaces\<workspace name> for that file.

Good Luck!
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data
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