Hi all, I'm trying to troubleshoot the 2 Group ECU in my TVR 400SE. Its Rover V8 based, with a locked distributor providing the trigger to the ECU. Been running fine since installation 16 years ago. However,a few weeks ago, the ignition light came on and remained on whilst driving. The tacho started jumping around as well - 2 to 3 K up and down - engine was behaving normally though, although the voltmeter in the car was reading slightly higher than normal. I replaced the alternator which cured the warning light but not the tacho. I had the tacho rebuilt, although that's probably just a symptom of the underlying problem. Car now will not start, and there is no spark. Replaced coil and ignition amp (the latter twice), and checked wiring continuity. Trouble is, my wiring doesn't seem to follow the pin guide from the manual, e.g. there's supposed to be a live feed from ignition to the amp (module in the diagram)and I think normally to the coil (although that's not shown). There is no voltage at the coil when ignition is on. There is 5V at the amp end of both wires from the ECU pins 12 and 24, but as soon as the amp multiplug is inserted into the amp itself, this voltages drops to nothing. Totally confused! I've also tried to test the dizzy magnetic pickup (Lucas 35 type), and the resistance across the pickup coil is 3,325 ohms. The only reference online I can find for this spec is 500 to 1500 ohms, so I'm not sure if mine is too far out to even work. Any gurus see anything obvious? The diagram at the foot of the image is my circuit on the car.