laptop won't start PDM manager correctly

Discussion and support for MoTeC Power Distribution Modules

laptop won't start PDM manager correctly

Postby cbracer on Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:53 pm

I have a laptop that is having troubles starting PDM Manager. If I open any Motec software before PDM Manager, then try to start PDM Manager, it hangs for a while then comes up with a message that Motec Discovery is already running. I have to close all other Motec software, then end Motec Discovery and then it will start. If I start PDM Manager first everything is good. Any ideas what might be causing this? Has anyone seen such behavior? I have other customers with the exact same laptop and they don't have this problem. I don't really want to tell my customer, sorry you have to buy a new laptop......
Disclaimer: yes all the software is updated to the latest released and even tried beta. utc is updated.
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Re: laptop won't start PDM manager correctly

Postby adrian on Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:54 am

This is usually a permissions issue. Are you running any of the MoTeC software as an administrator (ie right clicking and selecting run as administrator or changing the properties to run as admin)?

If you get a miss match, ie one program running as admin but another that isn't, it will cause this problem.
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