CAN Address Conflict with Prior Version Keypads

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Re: CAN Address Conflict with Prior Version Keypads

Postby Herrubermensch on Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:58 pm

Herrubermensch wrote:
SDean wrote:If you have a 1.4 Build license, the GPR July 2015 package is available. It is currently by email request only, but this should change shortly.

Thanks, Stephen. I have access to a development license, and through that have 1.3 Build. How do I go about getting 1.4 Build and the uncompiled version of the GPR July 2015? I take it that 1.4 Build is not going to be made available for download as the prior versions?


Just downloaded the beta 1.4 Build from the Motec website. Must have just been made available! I will send an email request for the uncompiled version of the July 2015 GPR.
Posts: 128
Joined: Mon May 07, 2012 1:37 pm

Re: CAN Address Conflict with Prior Version Keypads

Postby Herrubermensch on Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:33 pm

Herrubermensch wrote:
Herrubermensch wrote:
SDean wrote:If you have a 1.4 Build license, the GPR July 2015 package is available. It is currently by email request only, but this should change shortly.

Thanks, Stephen. I have access to a development license, and through that have 1.3 Build. How do I go about getting 1.4 Build and the uncompiled version of the GPR July 2015? I take it that 1.4 Build is not going to be made available for download as the prior versions?


Just downloaded the beta 1.4 Build from the Motec website. Must have just been made available! I will send an email request for the uncompiled version of the July 2015 GPR.

And I now have the July 2015 GPR package in uncompiled form. Thanks, Motec.

Posts: 128
Joined: Mon May 07, 2012 1:37 pm


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