LS1 D580 coil issue (max Plug gap)

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LS1 D580 coil issue (max Plug gap)

Postby Beetle123 on Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:18 pm

Hello I seem to be fouling plugs and im wondering would 060" plug gap be the issue. The engine has LS1 D580 type coils with a NGK BCP6ES Plug. Does anyone know if that is to much gap for this plug/coil combination in a high comp NA Eng.
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Re: LS1 D580 coil issue (max Plug gap)

Postby stevieturbo on Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:35 am

Beetle123 wrote:Hello I seem to be fouling plugs and im wondering would 060" plug gap be the issue. The engine has LS1 D580 type coils with a NGK BCP6ES Plug. Does anyone know if that is to much gap for this plug/coil combination in a high comp NA Eng.

Details of the build ?

60thou is larger than even standard for such coils. Why is it so big ?

Or are you maybe confusing 0.060" with 0.6mm ?

Really see no reason to go over 40thou or 1mm, depending how high CR or strained it is, you could easily go 30 thou or near say 0.8mm

And what dwell time are you giving them ?
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