M150 vs C125 Logging

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

M150 vs C125 Logging

Postby 01-0041 on Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:57 am

To all,

I'm trying to figure out which component I want to log data with since I'm using an M150 with a C125 as a display and don't need logging on both.

Other than the size (M150 (250 MB) vs C125 (120 MB)) who has a good pro/con for logging abilities?

I like the volume of the M150, but like the freedom of the C125.


Thank you for your time!!


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Re: M150 vs C125 Logging

Postby David Ferguson on Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:09 pm

C125 because it easier to setup the logging, and downloading is much more straightforward. It's easy to get more CAN channels into your C125, but depending upon the package may not be as easy for the M150. However, logging in the M150 can log more ECU channels than what are sent over the CAN bus in the standard template.

Depending upon your use of the M150, it may make sense to have logging in both.
David Ferguson
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Re: M150 vs C125 Logging

Postby tepid1 on Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:20 am

In my m150 I have level 2 logging and I also have logging enabled in my c125. Like mentioned, depending on the package you use that will be your limitation.
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