M1 CAN questions

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M1 CAN questions

Postby tepid1 on Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:54 am


Here is a quick rundown of what I'm working with.
M150 w/ GPR package
CAN 2 has (2) LTCD's and Racegrade TC8
CAN 1 has PDM15, M150, Keypad and C125

I'm trying to get CAN2 Lambda over to the C125 on CAN1.

Is the M150 able to act as a hub for this data and transmit it to the C125?
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby David Ferguson on Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:18 am

While the M1 Hardware can certainly act as a CAN bridge, the GPR package doesn't have any specific programming for this.

Is there a reason you are using two separate CAN busses? You could just connect them together.

Another option -- the C125 has two CAN busses. Why don't you connect both to the C125?
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby tepid1 on Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:05 am

That's about what I was expecting for an answer.

Like the 5v and 0v separation, I wanted to keep the engine bay CAN divided from the cabin CAN. Come to find out it's a headache now.

Everything I do only further supports me buying the Development package. I have been trying to avoid this. lol
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby Ben-S on Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:52 am

Do it and never look back. It's worth more than the ecu itself in my opinion.

I have to agree with David though. Connecting both to the C125 seems a simple solution, they can still be separate buses like you want.
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:00 am

The multiple can buses on the large form factor M1's is done more for vehicle integration requirements, where most OEM CAN Buses run at 500K or slower, this allows for the integrations messaging to be send on one bus at the required speed, and Dash, LTC, PDM, etc. messaging to be on another at 1M.

As long as all of the devices on the bus at at the same speed, and there is not address conflicts, then there is no reason to separate the buses in that manner.
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby AndrewD on Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:48 am

tepid1 wrote:I'm trying to get CAN2 Lambda over to the C125 on CAN1.

Several lambda channels are included in the data set transmitted by the M1 "GP" packages. These should be included in the M1 communications template for the C125.
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby David Ferguson on Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:26 am

AndrewD wrote:Several lambda channels are included in the data set transmitted by the M1 "GP" packages. These should be included in the M1 communications template for the C125.

That's what I thought, but I looked at the M1_General templates on both 0x640 and 0x650 and don't see any Lambda channels. I realized on my own C185 config that I get the Lambda data direct from the LTC.

I loaded a new C125 config (C125 Manager vers 1.80.16) for M1, and it opens with a new template named "M1_General_0x640_Version 3" which has some unidentified channels, but I don't see anything Lambda related.
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby AndrewD on Mon Nov 23, 2015 12:10 pm

ID 0x651 has the following data with length 1 and 0.01 resolution:
byte 0: Exhaust Lambda
byte 2: Exhaust Lambda Bank 1
byte 3: Exhaust Lambda Bank 2
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Re: M1 CAN questions

Postby tepid1 on Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:56 am

Just purchased Developer so hopefully this will no longer be an issue. Now to learn way more than I ever intended. haha
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