Maths Q? Time in seconds a channel is above 'x' value

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Maths Q? Time in seconds a channel is above 'x' value

Postby Sean on Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:28 pm

Hi all, I'm trying to work out how to calculate how many seconds per lap the front brake temperature is above 750 C. The following gives me a reading in seconds if i set the units correctly, but it isn't right, seems to be underestimating....
integrate('Brake Temp Front' [C],'Brake Temp Front' [C] >= 750,range_change("Outings:Laps"))

I am using this to get a percentage of lap time, the figure makes more sense, but I don't know if this is right either.....
stat_mean('Brake Temp Front' [C] >=750, 1, range_change("Outings:Laps"))*100

I've been trying to muddle my way through using information gleaned from here, but with these advanced (to me anyway) statistical kinds of functions I am somewhat lost :oops:

Thanks for your help, Sean.
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Re: Maths Q? Time in seconds a channel is above 'x' value

Postby adrian on Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:51 am

Hi Sean,

Try this instead:

integrate('Brake Temp Front' [C] >= 750, 1, range_change("Outings:Laps"))

The easiest way to get a percentage that the brake temp is above 750 would be to use the max of the above calculated time and divide it by lap time (if it is logged).

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Re: Maths Q? Time in seconds a channel is above 'x' value

Postby Sean on Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:32 pm

Excellent, thanks Adrian! The percentage is not important, was only trying that because of my ineptitude in making the time calculation work. Now to work on reducing the numbers ;)
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