M1 datalogging

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

M1 datalogging

Postby greenamex2 on Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:31 am


Just trying confirm the M1 datalogging setup.

I have an M130 with the "base" logging level. Can you confirm that I have a "fixed logging set" and rates?

Assuming that is the case, I then need level 2 in order to configure logging, and level 3 to go completely nuts.

And all pro level lets me do is load the data in i2pro.

Thanks in advance
Nissan VQ30DE fitted to an AM Sportscars EX2 with a Hewland HP 2000
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Re: M1 datalogging

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:05 am

Hi Denis,

That is correct with the Level 1 logging set, in that there is a fixed set of diagnostics channels and rates set in the package. These channels have been selected so that there is the minimum amount of data available to diagnose most issues.

Level 2 gives you 200 channels (including the level 1 diagnostics channels) at 200Hz max logging rate, with a single log set.

Level 3 gives you 2000 channels (including the level 1 diagnostics channels) at 1000hz max, with multiple log sets.

That is correct on the Pro Level.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M1 datalogging

Postby greenamex2 on Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:29 pm

Cheers. Explains why my logging configuration keeps 'resetting' after I load a custom one!
Nissan VQ30DE fitted to an AM Sportscars EX2 with a Hewland HP 2000
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