KTM 400 EXC Triggers

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

KTM 400 EXC Triggers

Postby chicostatefsae on Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:59 pm


I am on the Formula team at Cal State Chico.

Currently I am working on converting our new 2000 KTM 400EXC to EFI using the M800 that I set up on our GSXR600 last year. It has a stock crank sensor that triggers twice per cycle. I made a new valve cover that houses the SYNC sensor that seems to be working properly from the captures I have gotten. See attached.

My question is are there any built in modes that accommodate the REF triggering twice per cycle? I read through the modes on the M800 and I didn't see anything that would work with this setup.

If that won't work I have heard of teams machining a trigger wheel to press on to the crank so that the crank sensor sees a normal pattern, 24-2 for example. That is not out of my capabilities, but I would like to try to find a mode that works with my current setup before going on the route.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: KTM 400 EXC Triggers

Postby SprinterTRD on Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:14 pm

That would be Multi tooth mode.

however the short flat spots between the positive and negative REF transitions may cause a issue due to something going past the sensor and creating a secondary positive pulse.

you will need to be careful with your REF trigger and filter levels.
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Re: KTM 400 EXC Triggers

Postby chicostatefsae on Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:32 am

Thanks for the reply.

I read in Multi-tooth mode that there must be a minimum of 4 teeth per engine revolution, I only have two with the current setup. Is the software flexible around that?

The "tooth" on the crank currently is about an inch long, I'm not exactly sure why it has the little positive bump but I was hoping to be able to filter that out. I'll deal with it if it becomes a problem.
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Re: KTM 400 EXC Triggers

Postby chicostatefsae on Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:36 am

It just ocurred to me that welding teeth on to the crank would be much easier than machining something to fit over the outside. I just worry about accurately spacing the teeth out. I know that machined teeth would be accurate. Would doing something of the sort throw off the balance of the engine?
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