M130 Sport/M170 Pro

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M130 Sport/M170 Pro

Postby AshGT4 on Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:13 pm

Hi, need some help in choosing the right ECU for my Supra 2JZ, what exactly are the differences in the above as I'm getting a touch confused.
It looks like the M130 would suit my requirements but I can't make the decision until I potentially rule out the M170



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Re: M130 Sport/M170 Pro

Postby David Ferguson on Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:42 am

To start with, the M170 has a Mil-spec connector as opposed to the plastic connector found on the M130. Because the connector has a few more pins, the M170 has 1 more universal digital input (a total of 8 vs. 7 found on the M130).

The other difference is the M170 has 250MB of logging memory vs. the 120 MB on the M130.

This page has the table showing the above information:

Last edited by David Ferguson on Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: M130 Sport/M170 Pro

Postby AshGT4 on Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:53 pm

Thank you for the reply David, £1,130 extra seems rather a lot for those additions or am I missing something??

I was led to believe also that the Pro versions were more for car to pit communications also? Don't entirely understand the Autosport connector aspect either??

Kind regards

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Re: M130 Sport/M170 Pro

Postby AlanB on Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:07 am

Hello Ash

As David said, the fundamental differences between an M130 and an M170 is that the M130 has 120Mb logging memory (compared with 250Mb in the M170), one less UDIG input and comes with a plastic connector instead of a 66 way Autosport connector.

Neither version do car to pit communications (telemetry).

The difference between the connectors is that the plastic one is cheaper but slightly less robust compared with the Autosport connector. For most people the plastic connector is fine.

Hope this helps.
Alan Bell
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Re: M130 Sport/M170 Pro

Postby AshGT4 on Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:45 am

Thank you Alan, very much appreciated, pretty much decided on either an M130 or M150 now, it's all dependent on whether I think it's beneficial to future proof the potential of a 12 injector route in the future. :D
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