Keypad Module in M1 Build?

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Keypad Module in M1 Build?

Postby PEI330Ci on Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:24 pm

I've heard that a Module to integrate Racegrade Keypads into M1 Build is coming.

Any hints on when it might be available?

My current signal path:

Keypad -> PDM -> C125 -> M150

It would be nice to be able to do this:

Keypad -> M150
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Re: Keypad Module in M1 Build?

Postby TylerC on Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:44 am

I'm not sure what MoTeC's plans are, but if you need some custom CAN code written in M1 Build, I'd be more than happy to help. I'd love to discuss your project in more detail, I have a feeling I could probably knock this out pretty quickly for you. I'm not yet familiar with the RaceGrade keypads, but at the end of the day CAN protocols are all the same.
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Re: Keypad Module in M1 Build?

Postby John Reed on Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:43 pm

PEI330Ci wrote:I've heard that a Module to integrate Racegrade Keypads into M1 Build is coming.

Any hints on when it might be available?

My current signal path:

Keypad -> PDM -> C125 -> M150

It would be nice to be able to do this:

Keypad -> M150

I am not sure about a module, but it is possible to set them up how you describe. I do quite a few of my packages this way, with varying levels of keypad support depending on the targeted application.
John Reed
Motec Sales/Install/Tuning/Support
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Re: Keypad Module in M1 Build?

Postby PEI330Ci on Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:57 pm

TylerC wrote:I'm not sure what MoTeC's plans are, but if you need some custom CAN code written in M1 Build, I'd be more than happy to help. I'd love to discuss your project in more detail, I have a feeling I could probably knock this out pretty quickly for you. I'm not yet familiar with the RaceGrade keypads, but at the end of the day CAN protocols are all the same.

Thanks for the offer.

I'm actually pretty comfortable with M1 Build. What I'm talking about is having the same type of counter and logic functions available in M1 Tune, that are available in PDM manager. Except with pull-down menus.

I can write it, the question is, am I going to create something that Motec is on the verge of releasing.
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Re: Keypad Module in M1 Build?

Postby PEI330Ci on Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:06 pm

John Reed wrote:I am not sure about a module, but it is possible to set them up how you describe. I do quite a few of my packages this way, with varying levels of keypad support depending on the targeted application.


I'm following up on a conversation with Drake at PRI on this topic.

A saw the diagram you have on your 2JZ Package, and wondered if it was something already in the pipe...

Thanks for the reply.
Posts: 59
Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:58 am

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