by stownsen914 on Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:53 pm
I recently purchased a vintage racecar that has an older (serial < 3000) Motec M4, and am trying to get connected using my Windows 7 computer. I am using a Prolific USB to serial adapter and the serial cable from Motec to communicate with the older M4. I am using Dosbox v.74, and after searching in this and other forums, have been playing around with the port configuration to get it working. After some experimenting to get any connectivity at all, I am now getting framing errors similar to those mentioned earlier in this thread. I've managed to get my computer to recognize the M4, but similar to what is mentioned earlier in the thread, it seems to connect initially but when I try to actually do anything like retrieve data, I get an endless WAIT and nothing comes back.
My current Dosbox port config is as follows:
serial1=directserial realport:com6 rxdelay:1
I tried putting serial1 to com1, and also setting seral2, 3, and 4 to directserial (and serial1 to dummy) to see if that helped. No luck.
I started out using the newest version of EMP (6.2 I believe), but got an error when trying to connect to my M4 saying that the software version was mismatched with the ECU, which apparently has v6.06, so I downgraded EMP to 6.07. Now it connects but only partially communicated with the M4 as I mention above.
Any recommendations how to get this working? Thank you in advance ...