If I understand you correctly, you have created a new Category using the Track Editor for a particular Venue. In that catetory, you have multiple sections and they are named so they mean something to you.
If you open another log file that uses the same venue (so step one -- make sure the venue name is the same from the log file where it's working correctly, and the one where it isn't), it will have this category and section names available. If the two venue name aren't the same, the easiest thing to do is edit the venue name in the new log file using the Edit Details... button when you open a log file, or the Details... icon once the log files have been opened.
When you display a Time Report, you can get section times by making sure the properties are set to Report on "Selected Outings", and the Range Group is set to "Outings:Laps:Track Sections:<YOUR_NEW_CATEGORY_NAME>. So, right-click on the Time Report you're using for section times, select Properties... Make sure the Report section is setup as I just described.
You can have multiple categories (section assignments), and choose which one each Track Report uses. These categories can also be used in the section band of a Time/Distance Graph, by selecting that in it's properties->Display->Show Section band.
If that's not enough to get you going, let me know what problems you are encountering and I'll try to help.
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data