by pftuning on Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:33 pm
What is said above first re: connection and termination.
For the most part, MoTeC CAN bus comms have "just worked" for me. But I do have an inexpensive CAN analyzer from MicroChip that gives me confidence to know that at any time, I can check for messages and confirm ID's and data rate.
You may want to see if you can borrow something like that.
It would be nice if UTC could be re-purposed with some utility, even crude, so a person could have some idea of what was actually streaming by.
When I first connected to TEVES ABS system, there was some debate as to which version my customer had; old was 500Kb/s and newer was 1Mb/s. Serial # was on the bottom of the pump and not easy to access as it was installed and piped up. It was easier to hook up analyzer and capture the output, confirming the ID's and data rate. At that point, I knew it would work. I can post screen shot if anyone is interested.
I believe Bosch MS4 is 500Kb/s, but I would confirm. Have you confirmed data rate and ID's? CDL3 ID's are in Hex, MoTeC ECU's are decimal, if I recall correctly. Bosch is probably stated in Hex.
Peter Florance
Virginia Beach, VA 23454