Scott@FP wrote:Last time I checked AMP wanted $1800.00 USD just for a single set of dies for the SS 1.0. F that. Unless you are needing production level tooling Motec sells a crimper for the SS 1.0 that works fine. For the DMC tooling look it up by the MS number of the contact used, see the DMC website. DTM/ATM type connectors use the size 20 contacts, the MS number will be something like MS192-(size). Same with Autosport contacts, its all milspec stuff, order positioners via MS number of the contacts.
Milspec= somebody else designed it, the winning contractor was the lowest bidder, a lot of the cost is in the paper trail required, not the actual parts cost.
I have seen the AMP pro crimper III on ebay for a $200-300 US dollars and from various places that sell new for around $300-350 new so i don't think the die for it wont be $1500? U must have it confused for another kit.I am also aware of a cheaper crimper for the superseal 1.0 which can be found here ... s/TOOCRIGPRegarding the DMC MH860 positioners. I have found the positioners for the AFM8 which is
K40 - Deutsch AS series size 22 sockets
K42 - Deutsch AS series size 22 pins
K43 - Deutsch AS series size 20 sockets/pins
K151 - Deutsch AS series size 16 sockets/pins
Do these apply for the Deutsch DT , DTM series connector contacts?
But deutsch do not mention the M22520/7 which is the DMC MH860 only the m22520/2 for the DMC AFM8
Whats the difference between M22520/2 and M22520/7?