Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

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Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby SUNCAR on Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:22 pm


I'm a student of ETH Zürich and I'm working on the project SUNCAR, we are using a single cylinder 4 stroke engine with an electric generator to charge the battery of our series hybrid car.

We are using the M400 ECU, and our ignition system include a ignition modul of bosch 0 227 100 211 and a ignition coil of delphi 28198992.

Last week we would like to test the CAN connection between the vehicle control unit and the engine control unite to control the throttle position, when the ignition coil began to "burn".

The wiring has been controlled and it is ok. In the software we changed nothing. What we found out is that the ignition coil always receives power from the ignition modul, the ground connection was always closed. The cause is that the A3 port of M400 not work.

We have 3 more port on the ECU that we can use, but I don't want to burn also them :) someone has already had this problem? Do you know what could have caused it? If I want to use the port A4, A5 or A6 I have to change something in the software?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby Holmz on Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:28 am

Some require an amplifier (which is more a solid state sink). I use a Bosch and they have 3 and 4 cly models.
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Re: Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby AdamW on Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:35 pm

Holmz wrote:Some require an amplifier (which is more a solid state sink). I use a Bosch and they have 3 and 4 cly models

Holmz, the original poster already said it was wired to a bosch ignitor.

Suncar - your question is not clear, are you saying the ignition coil overheated when the engine was actually running or the coil overheated just when you had ignition switch on but the engine wasn't running?
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Re: Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby SUNCAR on Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:31 pm


How AdamW said I have a Bosch ignition modul between the ECU and the ignition coil.

The coil heated up while the ECU was turned on but the engine wasen't running.
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Re: Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby Holmz on Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:29 am

I see.

You could check that another output of the bosch unit flows current byt using a voltmeter, or current meter, and manually exiciting the proper trigger.
Which makes me wonder what the free wires at the bosch end were connected to?

Secondly - you can check the ECU's output changes when it is turning for the whatever output should go to bosch.
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Re: Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby AdamW on Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:39 pm

SUNCAR wrote:The coil heated up while the ECU was turned on but the engine wasen't running.

Then your wiring is wrong. Your ignition system should only receive power from the fuel pump relay so that it is only live during cranking or running. See Note #3 on the M400 wiring schematic. It may have damaged the coil or ignition module but it is unlikely to have damged the igniton output of the ECU.
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Re: Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby SUNCAR on Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:30 am


To control if the bosch unit properly work?
the other channels are at the moment not utilised, beacause I have only one cylinder.

the ECU port A3(for the ignition) is already damaged. I controlled this turning on the ECU and with a voltmeter I checked the voltage at the ignition coil connector. With the ECU closed to the bosch unit I measured 12 Volt at the + pole and a closed connection on the ground pole. If I disconnect the cable between A3 port of ECU and the bosch unit I misure at the + pole of the ignition coil connector 12 VOlt but no connection on the ground pole. therefore I suppose that the ECU port A3 is damaged.


I have no fuel pump relais, we have a genneral relais that turn on the fuel pump, the ECU and give power to the ignition coil and lambda sensor at the same time. We have already used this system on the test bench without problem.

thanks guys ;)
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Re: Ignition Wiring and Software Setup

Postby Holmz on Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:22 am

You may want to measure current rather than voltage, or current in addition to voltage.

If it worked on the bench, then there must be a change in wiring to the car.

The coil should always have 12V on one side, so the other side will be jumping between 12V (when not running) and 0V when it is time to saturate it just before the spark.

Then the only thing you need to know is what happens when the ECU is unpowered... Does the negative sideof the coil stay at 12V or does it go to 0V?
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