Official request from a mapper to Motec

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Re: Official request from a mapper to Motec

Postby Wolf_Tm250 on Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:56 pm

SprinterTRD wrote:
Wolf_Tm250 wrote:
Hi Sprinter,
yes, I think we all pretty know how to do the math of selected cells, but you would agree that on street, but even on dyno, while you're looking after a lot of parameters and listening for knock, it'd be a lot easier and faster to hit ten times "+" key, than to look at the keyboard to write "10+"or whatever...

I guess we all tune engines differently, I wouldnt be changing a large numbers of sites while you're looking after a lot of parameters and listening for knock!

For example, sometimes (ALWAYS) it happens you make a mechanical mod and you see a new load trend, on the same RPM column, and/or a new VE trend in the load row, both AFR and ign timing, and you want to apply the new trend to all the RPM sites w/same load and/or load sites w/same RPM, and in this way usually you'll get closer in less time, before visiting all those cells later.
In these cases, hit PageUp or PageDown (like it already does with a single cell !!! ) is faster and safer.... IMHO.

same here with my EEEpc...
I have PgUp and PgDn that are Function+Up and Function+Down, and problem was Arrows are on the right side and Fn key is on left side of the keyboard... so I "remapped" the Right Ctrl beside the Arrows to act as a Fn key, so I can do it with one hand only... ;)
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Re: Official request from a mapper to Motec

Postby stevieturbo on Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:46 am

SprinterTRD wrote:
Stevieturbo, I can see where you can get youself into trouble however I think trying to use a mouse is a PIA when tuning inside a car.

Exactly the reason everyone is requesting a simple keyboard means of altering cells ! Either by small amounts or large amounts.

And the trouble I was referring to relates to the stupidity of being forced to use maths functions to change a block of cells when there are far easier methods ( on all other brands of ecu's )

Motec is one of the top dog's as far as ecu's go, there is no doubt. But keyboard tuning is about a decade behind every other make.
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Re: Official request from a mapper to Motec

Postby SprinterTRD on Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:04 pm

I guess Jamie has already covered the answer in the other M1 post:

"I would suggest to you that no further changes will be made to hundred series ECU's until the M1 range is released in March/April. I will then pass the list onto the M800 guys after M1 release, and we will sit down and discuss what is possible, and what is not possible"
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Re: Official request from a mapper to Motec

Postby stevieturbo on Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:53 am

SprinterTRD wrote:I guess Jamie has already covered the answer in the other M1 post:

"I would suggest to you that no further changes will be made to hundred series ECU's until the M1 range is released in March/April. I will then pass the list onto the M800 guys after M1 release, and we will sit down and discuss what is possible, and what is not possible"

That's the most irritating part. Plus the fact some of these requests were made approx 5 years ago, and no movement at all.

The ecu feature request thread was posted in the Mx00 section. People posted what they wanted in that section for that ecu, and then when the M1 was released, the thread got moved as if it was a feature request for the M1 ecu.

It never was.
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Re: Official request from a mapper to Motec

Postby SprinterTRD on Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:03 am

Lets think about what you are asking, Stop M1 development and work on Mxx software.

Im only guessing here but if there was a larger proportion of the forum members Currently 4 of 2661 members asking for the changes then possibly the importance of the feature may have been raised.

The current Mxx software is not unusable and works as intended on most laptops, MoTeC has given an indication that the requests will be considered when they have time to do more Mxx development, all you can do is wait.
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Re: Official request from a mapper to Motec

Postby stevieturbo on Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:16 am

SprinterTRD wrote:Lets think about what you are asking, Stop M1 development and work on Mxx software.

Im only guessing here but if there was a larger proportion of the forum members Currently 4 of 2661 members asking for the changes then possibly the importance of the feature may have been raised.

The current Mxx software is not unusable and works as intended on most laptops, MoTeC has given an indication that the requests will be considered when they have time to do more Mxx development, all you can do is wait.

Some requests were made 5 years long do they need ?

This forum is small, with only an even smaller number of active users of that total 2661 you mention. The software is usable, but also huge room for improvement.

One option is to wait....the other is ? Use another brand ecu, which is largely what I have been doing and why I know these basic features are so good and worth having.
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Re: Official request from a mapper to Motec

Postby Wolf_Tm250 on Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:19 pm

stevieturbo wrote:
One option is to wait....the other is ? Use another brand ecu, which is largely what I have been doing and why I know these basic features are so good and worth having.

Must agree with stevie.
I do am a Motec fan, as I always had Motec ecus on my own cars...
but when the "average" customer-no motorsport (99% of the market) calls me and want an advice about the ecu to install, am i going to advice an ecu that's usually double the price and with such a complicated software that's more time consuming to map on street and dyno?
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