Ref/sync mode "8"

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Ref/sync mode "8"

Postby BMWTuner on Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:08 am

Hi friends,

This is the first engine that i don´t use sync sensor ( i always run sequential, only in this project i had to go for semi-sequential route) and the ref/sync mode that i found to this setup is the number 8 (two missing once a cycle).

The trigger wheel is default BMW type: 60-2. There is no sync sensor, just ref sensor.

My current setup:
Engine: 12 cyl engine
Cylinders setup: 612 (injectors wired in pairs)
Ignition setup: 6 ignition coils (wasted spark, so using 6 ign outputs to fire the 12 cylinders)
Ref/sync mode: 8

Is ref/sync mode correct for this setup? My ref sensor is on crankshaft not in camshaft. If there is other ref/sync mode that can use in this setup i will really appreciate if you can share with me.

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Ref/sync mode "8"

Postby AdamW on Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:37 am

I dont think mode 8 is what you want...
You have 2 missing teeth on the crank shaft and assuming your engine is 4 stroke, the crank does 2 revolutions per engine cycle.
So you should be Mode 7 - Two Missing Teeth Twice per Engine Cycle.
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Re: Ref/sync mode "8"

Postby BMWTuner on Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:31 am

Hi Adam!

Thank you for the reply.

Yes, i was think the same (the mode 7 is the most ref/sync mode that i used in my former BMW projects, that all ran sequential), but this ref/sync mode in the MoTec descriptions says that need Ref and Sync signals. So, i was think that using 612 in the cylinder number it´s stop to wait sync signal to get synced, but not.. it´s continues giving "no sync signal" and "sync error". And it´s never spark using mode 7.

With mode 8, it´s got spark, but probably in wrong timming due your remark.. trigger wheel is on crankshaft and not in cam like in this ref/sync mode describes.. so, maybe the solution should be select 2 stroke cylinder mode, but it´s also not accepted by Engine Manager for this number of cylinders.

So, the unique mode that don´t need sync signal is mode 8 but it´s not accept trigger wheel on crank for 4 stroke engines.
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Re: Ref/sync mode "8"

Postby AdamW on Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:37 am

BMWTuner wrote:Yes, i was think the same (the mode 7 is the most ref/sync mode that i used in my former BMW projects, that all ran sequential), but this ref/sync mode in the MoTec descriptions says that need Ref and Sync signals.

Oh OK. I have run a M48 in mode 7 (actually mode 71-74 on M48) OK with no sync signal before but have not tried with a M800. You should contact Motec suport directly (via email on website) as you will probably get a quicker reply and the best advice that way. It is not something that I have needed to do very often so cant offer much other help.
Motorsport Electronics Ltd.
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Re: Ref/sync mode "8"

Postby BMWTuner on Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:08 pm

Thank you my friend for all your attention.

Finally i started the engine... i was correct, but need change to two stroke. :)
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