by Forg on Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:22 pm
In case you've not already got an answer to this ... I've just been fiddling with it, and it doesn't look all that difficult. If you've not installed the ECU Manager for the M84 onto your PC, doing so & then trying to adjust stuff can tell you what it can do. In the boost control section you can set-up a table of target boost values according to different criteria; and you can choose input sources/channels for the axis of that table. So if you use, say, User 1 for an input-voltage from a 9-position variable-resistor, then run whatever voltage-level User 1 expects through the resistor switch, then your signal should be one of 9 equally-ish-spaced voltage-levels between 0V and that max voltage; then you can populate the table with the max boost you want to be running at each of those settings.
Have a play - it looks relatively straightforward.