Motec CDL3 Track kit

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Motec CDL3 Track kit

Postby Rennsport on Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:59 am


I was hoping someone can confirm if the Motec CDL3 Track kit is compatible with a 2002 BMW 325Ci Manual? I believe it should all work properly but just wanted to double check.

Thanks for the help. :D
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Re: Motec CDL3 Track kit

Postby OmarK on Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:51 am

Some pre-2007 cars have CAN OBD but this is very few, from our experience here in Australia the 3 series BMWs of the 2002 era were K-Line OBD and will therefore not work with the CDL3 as we work on CAN OBD2 only. A MoTeC dealer should be able to confirm this by testing a CDL3 in your car.
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