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display creator alarm setup conditions

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:59 pm
by godrift
im trying to setup 3 alarm conditions in one rectangle box for coolant temperature
first alarn when temp is less than 30 degrees color will be blue
2nd alarm when temp from 31 degrees to 90 degrees color will be green
3rd alarm when the temp above 91 degrees color will be red.
first and 3rd condition is working by using less than and greater than, but the middle condition is not working with me
if someone can help.

Re: display creator alarm setup conditions

PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:19 pm
by SOReilly

WIthout seeing your Display Creator project it's very difficult to say what is happening.

Can you upload it? if you don't want to share it publicly you can email it to support

Re: display creator alarm setup conditions

PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:23 am
by godrift
i managed to do it and its nice feeling. i will attach a video.
concept i did it for water temperature
blue is cold
green is acceptable regular temperature or in safe temperature
red is water temperature is over the limit.

SOReilly wrote:Hello,

WIthout seeing your Display Creator project it's very difficult to say what is happening.

Can you upload it? if you don't want to share it publicly you can email it to support