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Can bus transmit via display creator

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:05 am
by rayfarm

I like to send backlight control information to c185 for control shift light brightness. Now I am controlling backlight with Menu Numeric editor.

I found that latest display manager and dash manager this could be possible, related this release information:
"Transmit CAN messages, A CAN message may be designated as a "Transmit" message. All signals of the message will now be transmitted at the frequency designated in the message."

How this can be done with display creator or how I can send any output value to c185?


Re: Can bus transmit via display creator

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 8:46 am
by JM Race
I'm looking for information on the same topic. I'm changing a channel value thru menus in DC and would like to pass that value back out to use in Dash Manager or transmit over can bus to use with a PDM. I have set up the message to transmit from display creator but nothing shows up on the can bus. Also, the created channels cannot be found in Dash Manager. Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Can bus transmit via display creator

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:32 pm
by Stephen Dean

I have asked about this question with the developers. I'll get back to you with an answer.

Re: Can bus transmit via display creator

PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:43 pm
by mila
Hi guys,

The transmit from DC works a little differently than expected, and uses the internal CANbus. In Communications setup within Dash Manager, you must choose the "Display" tab (not CAN 1-4). Within this display tab, create a new template and set the Device to "Receive Message". Configure the address to whatever you have setup in DC. Then in the "Received Channels" tab add a new channel and set it to whatever you like.

To then transmit this channel to another device, transmit it from the dash. Direct transmission to other devices from DC is not supported.

I've attached a very simple project showing a timer created in DC being transmitted to the Dash via the internal CANbus, and then transmitted out via the Dash on CAN1. You will need C185 Manager 6.11M and DC Beta installed to open these.
Let me know if you have any further questions.