One Button To Change Pages

Discussion on the use of Display creator software for MoTeC Colour displays

One Button To Change Pages

Postby Donovan CR6 on Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:30 pm

How to i cycle through all pages with one button?
At the moment i have 4 pages
Donovan CR6
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Re: One Button To Change Pages

Postby adrian on Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:12 am

The page conditions are setup in the display setup, see below:

DC Display Setup.png
DC Display Setup.png (23.2 KiB) Viewed 24311 times

If you have 4 pages set this as the number of pages. Change the "Display Page Up Button" to what ever switch you are using for your page switch. The "Display Page" channel will increment from 0 to 3 every time you press the button.

You then use the "Display Page" channel as the condition for your pages in DC.
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Re: One Button To Change Pages

Postby Donovan CR6 on Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:56 pm

In DC what condions do you use? Page Number or a Constant? Cant seem to figure it out, also makes it harder that the Page1 conditions can't be changed.

Donovan CR6
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Re: One Button To Change Pages

Postby adrian on Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:30 am

Below is a screenshot from the help that explains how the "Page Number" condition works.
Page Number - DC.png
Page Number - DC.png (90.71 KiB) Viewed 24278 times

You don't have to do it that way, you could simply make the display page equal a constant value, the "page number" feature just allows you to move your pages around without having to redo all of your conditions.

Page 0 has to have no condition so that something is displayed by default if your conditions aren't met. So for example lets say you were able to put a condition on page 0 and you had the following:

Page 0 - Display Page == 0,
Page 1 - Display Page == 1,
Page 2 - Display Page == 2.

If for any reason the "Display Page" channel had a value of 3 what would the Dash display? None of the conditions are met so it would have to be just blank.

This is why the first page has no condition, it is always displayed when none of the other page conditions are met.
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Re: One Button To Change Pages

Postby David Ferguson on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:36 am

I like to setup a "splash screen" as the default page. I arrange for this page to be displayed when the dash starts up (for the first 10 seconds), by having the next page use the following condition:

Display Page == 0
Device Up Time [s] > 10 [s]

If I every get the Display Page Counter wrong, then the splash screen will be displayed.

I did this before the "Page Number" value was available -- I would probably figure out how to use that now as this required me to have all the pages off by 1 (page 1 was really page 0, page 2 was really page 1, etc).
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Re: One Button To Change Pages

Postby Donovan CR6 on Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:42 pm

Thanks David
I sorted it out by using a counter in pdm manager :D
Donovan CR6
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Re: One Button To Change Pages

Postby the_bluester on Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:42 pm

I am not using display creator but did something similar in my setup. There are generally two drivers in my car and we use the first two default pages, one each with the only difference (For now) being the driver name used as the page label. I have a counter in the PDM which defaults to 0 on power up and also triggers another condition which I use to trigger an alarm on the dash displaying the text "Driver?"

A keypad button is used to increment the counter 0-1-2-0. The first push cancels the "Driver?" alarm and after that it increments the counter. The driver alarm is also reset under a couple of other conditions (Every time the car stops moving for a set period for one) so if we come in and do a driver change it alarms again to remind you to select the right page. Finally we log the page number counter input.

Basically all of this is to give us a visible tag of who was behind the wheel in the data log so that the right driver gets the bragging rights at the end of the day.
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Re: One Button To Change Pages

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:21 pm

Nice work bluester!
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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