DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Discussion on the use of Display creator software for MoTeC Colour displays

DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby Anthony on Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:53 am

Hi All,
There was a topic on here recently re counters in DM vs DC.
linked below

I'm using a menu in DC for a tire circumference switch, it all works fine but doesn't currently preserve the value which is a bit of a pain at track days between each session having to reselect the correct circumference so am wanting to see if possible to keep the menu functionality but use a counter in DM with the preserve function.

I have tried to do this by keeping the menu/switch and sending this channel via internal transmit to DM, I have then set-up a DM counter that follows changes of menu channel and also turned on preserve but have figured each boot of the dash the DC menu channel will reset and therefore return the DM counter also to 0.

Any ideas on a good way to do this? as there is a few other things id also like to do this for
Eg Dash Page, Trac Control level etc.
My only concern with the above format aside from it not working is that it'll end up filling the available transmitted channels quickly.
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby Anthony on Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:01 am

Also going a bit off topic but what does the "Relay to Display Creator"
Checkbox in Dash Manager > Communications > Can 1 & 2 do?

I've tried both ticked and un-ticked and cant see any difference and also cant find anything in the help files
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby NathanB on Wed Nov 24, 2021 7:03 am

Hi Anthony,

Channel preserve with a menu is possible, provided you go about it in a specific way. You need to use the numeric edit function for the menu item in DC, and transmit it out to dash manager. The DM DC CAN needs to be setup to receive those channels.

The Channel preserve will only automatically update once a minute, so you need to make a targeted preserve trigger.

This channel needs to be in the Display Creator Transmit list, so that the channel goes full circle.

I have attached my menu example, which is configured using a rotary controller, with the DC, DM, DBC and M1 config (to show how it can be utilised for drive controls in M1) with a functioning channel preserve.

Hopefully this assists you for your original enquiry.
Display Creator Menu Example.zip
(5.87 MiB) Downloaded 1669 times
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby Anthony on Fri Nov 26, 2021 6:12 pm

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for your help.
I have tried to implement what you have done and on checking the channel preserves
via DM Online > View > Preserved Channels. - I can definitely see the channels and their preserved values update.

Eg - Wheel Circ Switch
DC Dash Menu = 1
DM Monitor Channel Value = 1
DM Preserved Channel Value = 1
M1 Tune - Channel Value = 1

However when I do a power cycle, the values revert to the below.
DM Monitor Channel Value = 0
DM Preserved Channel Value = 1 (for a minute)
M1 Tune - Channel Value = 0

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby NathanB on Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:07 pm

Hi Anthony,

It is quite hard to accurately identify your exact issue without seeing a config, however you will notice that i use my DC channel for the numeric edit, and for tracking in the menu system, which is preserved in the preserve channels setion, however I a transmitting my counter to the M1 (which is also preserved), not the DC channel.

You may have more success adding the additional step.
DM - Transmit to ECU.PNG
DM - Transmit to ECU.PNG (58.7 KiB) Viewed 19912 times
DM - Counter.PNG
DM - Counter.PNG (78.74 KiB) Viewed 19912 times
DM - Menu channels received.PNG
DM - Menu channels received.PNG (48.85 KiB) Viewed 19912 times
DC - Numeric edit setup.PNG
DC - Numeric edit setup.PNG (52.22 KiB) Viewed 19912 times
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby Anthony on Wed Dec 01, 2021 2:10 am

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for your assistance, I did think today to try use a DM counter.
Have done so tonight and tested and it all works as expected. (I have ticked the check box for preserve value)

It makes me wonder if there is a bug in the regular preserved channels function.
Removing the M1 Transmit piece, and using dash pages as an example to simplify it.
I wasn't able to get the dash to reboot on the last selected page, it would always go back to default.
However, using the DM counter it all works fine...

Thanks again
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby NathanB on Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:02 am

Hi Anthony,

All channels will need to be preserved in DM with your preferred trigger, and then ensure they are in the list of channels that are transmitted to DC.

The best way of visualising it I guess is to think of DC as a CAN device with no local storage. It is on a bus with DM as the only other device, and this is where all the local storage for that network is kept. All its information needs to be sent to it. So in some cases, you bring the channel from DC to DM via the transmit, preserve the channel in DM, and make sure the channel is in the DC channel list (so it has a loop)
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby MikeD on Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:35 pm

Hi Nathan,

jumping on this train I'm also curious on what does the "Relay to Display Creator" checkbox in Dash Manager > Communications > Can 1 & 2 do, as there is no description regarding it's purpose.

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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby NathanB on Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:20 pm

It relays the CAN data from that bus across to Display Creator. This will require you to setup receive messages for the data in Display Creator.

You will only be able to select 1 of the buses to do this with however.
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Re: DC Preserved Channels with Menu's

Postby Anthony on Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:09 pm

NathanB wrote:It relays the CAN data from that bus across to Display Creator. This will require you to setup receive messages for the data in Display Creator.

You will only be able to select 1 of the buses to do this with however.

Is this the best way to free up channels when at the 188 channels in use limit?
Any downsides doing in this way vs the automated way other than the time required to set it up?
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