Hi All,
There was a topic on here recently re counters in DM vs DC.
linked below
I'm using a menu in DC for a tire circumference switch, it all works fine but doesn't currently preserve the value which is a bit of a pain at track days between each session having to reselect the correct circumference so am wanting to see if possible to keep the menu functionality but use a counter in DM with the preserve function.
I have tried to do this by keeping the menu/switch and sending this channel via internal transmit to DM, I have then set-up a DM counter that follows changes of menu channel and also turned on preserve but have figured each boot of the dash the DC menu channel will reset and therefore return the DM counter also to 0.
Any ideas on a good way to do this? as there is a few other things id also like to do this for
Eg Dash Page, Trac Control level etc.
My only concern with the above format aside from it not working is that it'll end up filling the available transmitted channels quickly.