The first thing you need to do is to make the buttons control the channels that are on the Display Setup / Page Selection Tab. Make sure the output channel Display Page is created, and the number of pages that you have is correct. Be sure to send the channel "Display Page" to display creator. Here's a picture of that.
- dc - C125 Display Setup.JPG (57.43 KiB) Viewed 14798 times
Then in display creator, you change the conditions to refer to the Display Page channel. I am including an example from my Lotus Sport customer showing how I created a Logo "splash screen" that displays for the first 10 seconds, before returning to whatever the Display Page happens to be.
Splash Screen
- dc-default page.JPG (133.91 KiB) Viewed 14798 times
Page 0
- dc-page0.JPG (162.9 KiB) Viewed 14798 times
Hopefully that will be enough to get you going, otherwise I could send you this display creator project and the C125 config that drives it (just email me if you want that).