C185 and BMP180, how to connect?

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C185 and BMP180, how to connect?

Postby qorwkwkd20 on Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:24 am

Hi, I am very new to C185, and sensors too.

I have a BMP180 sensor.

As far as I know this is I2C communication, so digital sensor.
And also C185 receives digital input too.

However, from my knowledge, BMP180 has two signal lines - SCL, SDA - but C185 looks like have just one signal line for digital input. Am I right?
How should I connect this sensor to C185? Begging for your help.

Thank you!
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Re: C185 and BMP180, how to connect?

Postby Anthony on Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:54 am

It doesn't work like that.

You could get it to work but it will require additional circuitry, an Arduino or similar and some programming skills.

The Arduino would be able to read the sensor values then output a 0-5v signal which you could input to the C185 alternatively a better option would be to transmit the values via CAN from the Arduino to the C185.

What are you trying to achieve?
Is there a reason you want to use this sensor?
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Re: C185 and BMP180, how to connect?

Postby qorwkwkd20 on Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:49 pm

Anthony wrote:It doesn't work like that.

You could get it to work but it will require additional circuitry, an Arduino or similar and some programming skills.

The Arduino would be able to read the sensor values then output a 0-5v signal which you could input to the C185 alternatively a better option would be to transmit the values via CAN from the Arduino to the C185.

What are you trying to achieve?
Is there a reason you want to use this sensor?

Hello, Anthony.
Thank you for the reply.

What I want to achieve is to measure atmospheric pressure, simply to put it.
I just bought this sensor a few days ago, soldered them, connected to Arduino, which worked very well.

So what you are saying is using Arduino? as a Digital to Analogue converter, or Digital to CAN converter something like that?

Do motorsport guys use Arduino often? Just curious... Arduino is great option since I have a few experience with Arduino.

So probably I should look around analogue atmospheric pressure sensor?
I am not really good at sensors, is there any analogue sensor that you recommend?

Thanks, I am very newbie to these things... :|
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Re: C185 and BMP180, how to connect?

Postby MikeD on Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:46 am

I don't know your specific project and goals but as you mentioned at the end of your post it may be much easier to source a sensor which does what you need and is built with automotive specs in mind.

maybe try Bosch sensor 0 261 230 216
I think it's signal mapping is 10 - 115 kpa results in 0.4 - 4.65 volt (if you have something to physically verify then that could be a good idea just to be sure that it's the correct signal mapping)

1 = 5V, 2 = GND, 3 = Signal

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Re: C185 and BMP180, how to connect?

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:39 am

I would recommend using a automotive specific barometric sensor for this, rather than the BMP180 sensors chip.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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