OK, first I would watch these 4 webinars:
https://www.motec.com.au/webinars/webinararchive/#CANI believe most of what you're looking for will be found in there.
Next, HP Academy has some a "CAN Bus Communications Decoded" online course:
https://www.hpacademy.com/courses/efi-tuning/ I think most of the relavent content would be found in the free MoTeC Webinars, and lot of it focuses on decoding unknown CAN messages (you have big clues) -- but it still might be useful to you.
To get started with your data, open your config in C187 Dash Manger, go to Connections->Communications.. Select the C187 CAN bus that is connected to the CAN bus you have the documentation for, click the New... button.
In the CAN Communications Setup, set the Deice Parameter to "Receive Message", Format to "Binary" and alignment to "Word Swap" (this is the "Intel" Byte order from our docs). Set the Receive Timeout to 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
Enter the Base Address of 0x300 (this is the ID column in your doc).
Now click the "Received Channels" tab. Leave Message type to "Single".
Click the Add... button to add a channel like "Inlet Air Temperature", this would work for the "Intake Temp" row in your document. MoTec uses a byte offset and mask to access the 64 bits (8 bytes of 8 bits each) contained in a can messages. So Start Bit 0, length 8, would be "Offset = 0, Length = 2" in the MoTeC Comms channel.
Next is the tricky bit (pun intended). The Motec base units is in 0.1C, but the Porsche is only reporting in (.75 degC increments. I believe this might get you the correct answer, but I would look at logged data (comparing to the OEM dash) and adjust as needed. Multiplier 750 Divisor 100 Adder 480. (750/100 = 7.5 or 0.75degC per bit).
Note the Water_Temp is the same scaling as the Intake_Temp, but the Offset would be 7 (bit 56 / 8 bits per byte = 7), length 1.
The Manifold Pressure is the challenging one (since it's only 6 bits and will require the correct mask Multiplier/Divider to get things to align correctly). But the other should be fairly straightforward.