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C1 LED's on Ignition

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:25 am
by Anthony
What would the best way be to flash the led's on a c1 SLM on power/ign?

I have tried user condition activate/deactivate
Activate - device up time is = to 1s
Deactivate - device up time is = or >5s

With this the LED's won't turn on, I tried adjusting activate to =3s and had the same
Also tried = or > 3s and the LED's turn on but won't turn off

Re: C1 LED's on Ignition

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:37 am
by z0mgchris
what about just generate a channel for output using less than or equal to x seconds using User Channels. Then input that into the SLM setup of C127? I dont have access to my c127 or a customer 125 dash right now to test this however.

Re: C1 LED's on Ignition

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 2:34 pm
by adrian
Its not really a good idea to use "Device Up Time" in conditions because it is a 32bit channel and you can get rollover issues when using User Conditions which will cause your lights to come on when you don't expect it.

I have attached an example (in C185 Manager because that's what I had on my desk to test with. Just copy the logic to which device you are using) that does what you want in 2 different ways.

The first way uses 2 timers and a User Condition. One timer for when the light needs to be on and the other to flash. The second method uses just one timer for when the light needs to be on and a User Condition to sort out the flashing.