C127 with new V2 camera.

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C127 with new V2 camera.

Postby the_bluester on Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:55 pm

I was browsing the website and noticed the new camera release, which included a statement that they will require a CAN transmit template that is included with the current release of the dash manager software, but I have the current release of the C127 manager now and it is not included.

Is there a new dash manager release coming soon that will include it? I wanted to have a look at what data was sent in the template.

That leads to another question, the version 1 release of the V2 manager software permits only auto recording mode, which will start recording on power on, and CAN based recording start/stop but that currently only permits speed and RPM as log start and stop conditions. Are there plans for the selectable start/stop channels to be expanded? and will any user configurability be likely? I was hoping to find a camera system which permitted user CAN configuration and to add a "Logging running" status in a CAN transmit message form the dash to start and stop cameras. A few of us do a few hillclimbs and it is handy to be able to set up a manual logging start function so that the logger can be pre started before launching the car, and even better if that can also be used to start recording.

I will have a spare PDM output and could configure a message from the dash to use as a condition in the PDM to power the camera on with the logger running message using the auto function in the V2 setup to start it but it is not a very elegant way to do it!
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Re: C127 with new V2 camera.

Postby adrian on Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:58 am

The CAN templates are actually in the current beta software so will be in the next release. If you send an email to support at motec dot com dot au I can send you a copy of the templates.

The transmit template is actually the same as the HD-VCS which will be in the version of software you already have. There is also an additional receive template that has diagnostic information sent out of the v2.

You are correct, it only allows the use of speed and RPM for start/stop conditions at the moment. I will look at adding a simple start/stop channel that will allow you to send a single bit on CAN to start/stop recording.
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Re: C127 with new V2 camera.

Postby the_bluester on Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:28 am

Thanks for the info. If the transmit side of the messaging is the same as the HD-VCS I can have a look at the transmitted data on there and not bother you about the new template until it is in a full release.

A mate and I have been looking at and discussing camera options for some time but so far nothing has ever quite ticked all of the boxes. The V2 system looks to be getting really close depending on cost. One of the things we would really love would be a multi camera setup but to date what is on the market give you picture in picture as your only option for multiple cameras. Great for "I just want to chuck this on youtube right now" but not so great if you want to edit multiple feeds yourself.

Cost permitting, multiple V2 cameras, synchronized with a start/stop bit from a dash such as the C127 would permit a fair bit of flexibility and require less hardware and adapters than for instance, the AIM Smartycams. The critical things for me have been power supplied by the car and recording start/stop able to be automated and synchronized to the logger.
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Re: C127 with new V2 camera.

Postby the_bluester on Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:05 am

I just thought of a complementary issue. With multiple cameras, is there a function available or planned to alter the CAN address for the camera side transmit message for the diagnostic information you mentioned? I presume that it would have to be different for each camera and could be as simple as a "camera 1, camera 2, camera 3" etc setting in the V2 software to pre set a different CAN message for the diagnostic channels as a camera was set up.
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Re: C127 with new V2 camera.

Postby adrian on Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:43 pm

Yes you should be able to put multiple cameras on the same CAN bus and get them to sync with the data. You are correct the issue is the diagnostic transmit messages, at the moment there is no way to change the address but I will ask for that to be updated.

In the mean time, you can turn the transmit messages off on the additional cameras via the V2 software by setting the CAN status interval to zero.
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Re: C127 with new V2 camera.

Postby the_bluester on Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:33 pm

Terrific, I reckon I will be giving one of these a really hard look come bonus time.
Posts: 210
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