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Wiring sensors in inputs

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:31 pm
by FoxSTI
I noticed the dash has a V5 and V8 internal pins called "supply". Can these be used to supply 5V to sensors?
Do sensors need to share the ground as the dash?

For instance I have an LC2 wideband controller that outputs a 0-5V signal. I am guessing I only need to connect that wire into an AV input on the dash.

What about a linear perssure sensor for oil? 3 wires. 5V, ground and Signal. How does something like this get connected?


Re: Wiring sensors in inputs

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:07 pm
by Stephen Dean

For connecting sensors that vary their voltage signal, such as linear pressure sensors directly to the dash, you use the Sensor 5V+ supply and the sensor ground goes to the Sensor 0V on the dash, and then one of the AV input for the signal. This will allow for the correct signal to be received by the dash.

With a variable resistance sensor, such as a temperature sensor, you connect one pin to the AT input, and the other to Sensor 0V.

Your LC2 can be directly connected to the AV input without using the 5V+ or 0V supplies.

Re: Wiring sensors in inputs

PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:08 am
by FoxSTI
Thank you, this makes it very clear. Then its just a matter of calibrating the inputs.

Re: Wiring sensors in inputs

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2016 11:48 am
by alexmas0n
Waking this one up because its related. I already have a sensor ground from my OE Mitsu ECU circuit in the loom. Any reason you guys think I couldn't use it as opposed to making a second circuit for the dash sensor ground?

Re: Wiring sensors in inputs

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2016 1:55 pm
by FoxSTI
From what I understand Alex you want everything to share the same ground ideally as to not cause any inaccuracies on the readings. It is true, that not matter where you ground things, in the end they all end up at the batteries negative terminal. But, there maybe be paths with higher resistance etc (depending on where you ground things).

I am planning on having a single common grounding point for the dash and other sensors. I could be way off-line here but I think the logic is correct to some extent.