Hi all, was wondering if there’s a way to trigger a SPD input with 12v, from what i understand it needs a ground to trigger, but my switch is 12v and permanent ground..will I need to rewire it so it’s switched ground
Cheers Lee..
SOReilly wrote:The SPD Inputs are pulled high to 2.7v via a 2200 ohm pull up but you can set the trigger threshold to 4.68v.
The SPD pins in hall mode have a voltage range of 0-15V.
Once the channel selected for the SPD input pin, click the change cal button and set the polarity to high volts=ative, then click the spd levels button and change the hall voltage to 4.68v
SOReilly wrote:The SPD Inputs are pulled high to 2.7v via a 2200 ohm pull up but you can set the trigger threshold to 4.68v.
The SPD pins in hall mode have a voltage range of 0-15V.
Once the channel selected for the SPD input pin, click the change cal button and set the polarity to high volts=ative, then click the spd levels button and change the hall voltage to 4.68v
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