It would be a couple of custom messages following the same message structure, details are below:
- Code: Select all
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Code: Select all
Index, Field, Units, Description
1, time, sec, Time since system power up
3, IMU pqr[0], rad/sec, IMU angular rate gyro – X
2, IMU pqr[1], rad/sec, IMU angular rate gyro – Y
4, IMU pqr[2], rad/sec, IMU angular rate gyro – Z
5, IMU acc[0], m/s2, IMU linear acceleration – X
6, IMU acc[1], m/s2, IMU linear acceleration – Y
7, IMU acc[2], m/s2, IMU linear acceleration – Z
- Code: Select all
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- Code: Select all
Index, Field, Units, Description
1, timeOfWeek, sec, Seconds since Sunday morning in GMT
2, GPS week, weeks, Number of weeks since January 1st of 1980 in GMT
3, insStatus, __, INS Status Flags
4, hdwStatus, __, Hardware Status Flags
5, theta[0], rad, Euler angle – roll
6, theta[1], rad, Euler angle – pitch
7, theta[2], rad, Euler angle – yaw
8, UVW[0], m/s, Velocity in body frame – X
9, UVW[1], m/s, Velocity in body frame – Y
10, UVW[2], m/s, Velocity in body frame – Z
11, Latitude, deg, WGS84 Latitude
12, Longitude, deg, WGS84 Longitude
13, HAE Altitude, m, Height above ellipsoid (vertical elevation)
14, NED[0], m, Offset from reference LLA – North
15, NED[1], m, Offset from reference LLA – East
16, NED[2], m, Offset from reference LLA – Down
Apologies for the formatting, couldn't get tables to work. Hope that makes sense.