"Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

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"Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

Postby Fast_Moto on Sat Jul 08, 2017 11:09 am

I just built a new package and it compiled fine. When loading to the ECU, I received an eror saying: "Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)". ANyone else encountered that issue?
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Re: "Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

Postby Ben-S on Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:40 am

Seen it many times but never actually had a daq issue afterwards.
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Re: "Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

Postby Fast_Moto on Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:55 am

Yes, it was weird. I got the same response when loading that package to an ecu from two different computers. I no longer had access to the ECU after the error was displayed. Even weirder, I made some additional changes to the project, recompiled and it worked flawlessly.
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Re: "Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

Postby Ben-S on Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:54 am

That's weird, I've never been locked out of the ECU afterwards. Best I can tell after the error comes up and I click OK everything works perfectly fine. It could be something in our Projects. I have had issues loading Packages that compiled fine but after having issues in Tune I have gone back to find errors that pass Build but don't actually work in Tune.

An example that comes to mind is a 3 axis table with the 3rd axis being a channel that no longer exists. Changing the table to a two axis table to solve the issue will pass Build but almost always cause issues in Tune if you don't first deselect the 3rd axis or select an operational channel for the 3rd axis. Somehow even though the axis isn't used it still causes an issue when it's linked to a channel that no longer exists.
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Re: "Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

Postby MalcolmG on Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:11 pm

Yes I've seen that error many times too; usually it's when I've been connected to an ECU and then it has gone out of range (WiFi connection) and then come back and reconnected. I'm not sure if it relates to some peculiarity of the WiFi connector, my custom package or some unusual behaviour in Tune.

I've also had the odd strange situation with something throwing up a number of faults when compiling (not picked up in Validation stage) that magically go away if you close and reopen Build, or faults sending packages that fix themselves either by re-sending or just recompiling with a trivial change in Build. I guess that's it's not surprising to find the odd bug like these, and given my overall extremely happy feelings toward the whole Build/Tune system I don't let it upset me too much :mrgreen:
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Re: "Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:17 pm


These errors will also occur if the logging is full when you try and send a Package to the M1, try clearing the Logging beforehand and then resend the Package. You can also do a "Force Send" to the M1, where you press and hold the "Crtl" and "Alt" keys at the same time as clicking the "Send" button. This formats the memory space that is used for the Packages.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: "Failed to confidgure ECU Data Acquistion (DAQ)" Error

Postby Fast_Moto on Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:13 am

Thank you Stephen. That is good to know!
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