Peak Hold Injector not allowed for PWM outputs?

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Peak Hold Injector not allowed for PWM outputs?

Postby MalcolmG on Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:20 pm

Hi there

I'm hoping for some clarification on where you can and can't use Peak Hold Injector outputs as general purpose outputs. I have a project where I am trying to run a small pump from a PH output, but if I leave the resource as a parameter then the PH outputs don't appear in the drop down menu in Tune, and if I set it as a constant in build I can choose a PH output but when I attempt to validate it I get the error that the PH output is not allowed for the associated IO method (the method being a PWM output).

This seems to contradict the built in modules for Coolant Fans which look like they use a the same PWM IO method and there is no issue using PH outputs for those

Am I missing something? Is there a clear rule for what PH outputs can and can't be used for?

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Re: Peak Hold Injector not allowed for PWM outputs?

Postby MalcolmG on Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:28 pm

Figured it out for myself - I sort of knew this but I didn't properly understand it until now - if you want to use a PH output you also have to configure a "Pin" object of the Peak Hold Injector hardware class and point the resource of that to the PWM output object and use it to configure the settings required by PH outputs. I basically worked this out by going through the settings for a Fuel Pump Relay object
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