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ECU Receive CAN

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:12 pm
by rayhall
I want to receive the state of a CAN bus Keypad and use the values to switch/enable functions.
The keypad has six buttons and sends the state(on/off) of the buttons as bits set or not set via CAN .

I have selected ECU Receive CAN bus = CAN1
Also set ECU Receive CAN ID address = 0x07F0

I cannot find them as selectable options in the drop down menus when selecting a switch source. What Am I missing or is it the M1 cannot do this.


Re: ECU Receive CAN

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:50 am
by rntechnologies
What sort of keypad do you have?
It sounds like its not the MoTeC one that's integrated into the M1 packages.

If its something else, depending on the addressing and the configurability of the device, you will likely need to run it via a dash or another device that is able to manipulate the messaging into the required format and addressing.

Re: ECU Receive CAN

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:15 pm
by rayhall
The keypad is made by ECUMaster. I can set the address to what ever I want.
Where can I find the address information for the Motec KeyPad.

Re: ECU Receive CAN

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:41 pm
by rntechnologies
By default the MoTeC Keypad when setup as node 0A uses 506h as the base address for the keypress events.

The bigger issue will be the messaging structure.
Its all well and good to change the base address, but if the messages are formatted differently, you are going to need a dash or another device that can manipulate the messaging.

Additionally, if there are other addresses for things such as LED's, they will need to be configured via a dash also.