Changing Screen Layout and 3D Graph

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Changing Screen Layout and 3D Graph

Postby rayhall on Sun May 07, 2017 3:19 pm

Is there a way to change the layout of each page. More room screen would be available if I could delete the Notes windows and the 3D graph. I have looked at the Layout Editor, but it does not let me edit the layout.

To see more of a table I can expand the table to quash the 3D graph. This would be a solution of sorts if it would stay like this. The change is ignored next time I open the package.

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Re: Changing Screen Layout and 3D Graph

Postby David Ferguson on Sun May 07, 2017 6:39 pm

Have you tried unlocking the GPR Layout?

In the Layout Editor, select the line that has the package name (it will have a small padlock icon on it, then click the unlock button.

An alternate way that i use -- click the Layout flyout window on the left side of the screen, then right-click on on the item with the lock and select unlock from the pop-up menu.

Once you've unlocked the layout, you can edit the properties of each window as well as re-arrange them, etc.

Have fun!

PS. BTW, did you know you can cycle the display of the graph with the "G" key when the input focus is in a table/graph window? This is a property you will be able to change as well once the layout is unlocked.
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Re: Changing Screen Layout and 3D Graph

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon May 08, 2017 10:30 am

Hi Ray,

Yes, you can change the worksheet/workbook layouts in M1 Tune to suit your requirements, some people have removed all of the standard MoTeC workbooks from the Package and just run their own custom layouts to suit the way that they want to work. I have even seen one that replicated the Mx00 EMP layout.

The process is as David described, but with one addition, in that you are changing the workbooks that are associated with that Package that you are working on. If you open another Package, then you will see the worksheets that that Package has. If you want to have the same set of worksheets for all of the Packages that you use, no matter what Package it is, you can create a local set of workbooks that resides in M1 Tune on your laptop. This is done by going into the Layout Editor (Layout | Layout Editor) and either copying the Worksheets that you want from the Package workbooks, into My Workbooks, or by adding new Workbooks/Worksheets into My Workbooks.
Stephen Dean
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